McLane Environmental - Company Overview
McLane Environmental is one of the nation’s leading providers of quantitative groundwater services for a wide range of projects including water resources, mining and energy, wastewater disposal, dewatering and geotechnical, and contaminated site investigation and remediation. We specialize in hydrology, hydrogeology, contaminant fate and transport, geospatial and 3D data analyses, computer modeling, and environmental forensics.
To perform our work, we apply a range of tools from simple analytical groundwater flow and fate and transport models through more complex 3D flow and transport modeling techniques. Our plume transport modeling is performed using the library of analytical models provided in TS-CHEM. This suite of solutions can be configured for almost any source geometry, source release history, and set of chemical transport parameters.
McLane Environmental is also the developer of flexAEM, a groundwater modeling system built around the domain analytical element method on which AnAqSim flow modeling software is based. flexAEM incorporates training materials, software tools, in-person courses, and introductions to the latest AEM modeling software to facilitate the application of easy to construct and run flow models, that are the perfect tools to establish groundwater velocity fields for TS-CHEM plume modeling.
To learn more about McLane Environmental's services, visit us at To explore the flexAEM modeling system, or download a free set of tutorials, visit the flexAEM website at